Thursday, August 13, 2020

Good for Trans is Good for Mans

I have noticed quite often and quite abruptly that trans-friendly policy is great for heterosexual males. For example, God's gift to politics, Kamala Harris, is being demonized by the thin skinned for supposedly killing trans-females by forcing them to stay in male prisons. We'll go ahead and ignore the obvious problem that she wasn't the driving force behind that policy, and take that claim at face value. Male prison is too dangerous for trans women.

But guess what, it's too dangerous for men also. Saying otherwise is promoting rape culture: "You broke into my house and stole my TV, but thankfully you got caught, and you'll have plenty of time to think about it with your room mate Big Bubba." When the legal system does not condemn someone to being raped or murdered, and that someone is raped or murdered in prison, that punishment went far beyond what the legal system justified. 

IF prison were made so safe that trans women would feel comfortable there, then guess what? That's right, it would be better for ALL of the men there. And it is like this issue after issue after issue.

Let's take Pence's favorite subject, bathroom politics. Trans want to be able to be able to use the bathroom wherever they go. A trans woman really should not feel comfortable dressed as a woman in a men only bathroom, because she identifies as a woman. I have used a bathroom before that was mixed gendered with multiple stalls. It was very awkward for me, but even more awkward for the women trying to use the same restroom as me. In reality when we talk of mix gendered bathrooms, we are really talking about bathrooms with one toilet and one sink like what is often seen in hospitals and doctor's offices.

And even though that mixed gendered bathroom with multiple stalls was almost unbearably awkward, it wasn't half as awkward and trying to pee standing up between two other males standing up. The standard urinal situation in most male restrooms is such an incredible violation of privacy as to demonstrate a distinct contempt for male comfort by society as a whole. A single toilet/single sink bathroom is vastly preferable for a hetero male than the usual public restroom arrangement.

And that is also the ideal situation for Trans. And so it goes with basically every Trans issue ever. A trans man I have known since before his transition recently confided "no one treats me like I am a real man." I responded "being accused of not being masculine enough is a normal part of the male experience. Welcome to the club." We don't have to run around emasculating trans men, other LGBT men, straight men, or even women for that matter. Emasculation is particularly harmful to trans men, but it's not great for straight men either.

What is good for the trans is good for the mans.

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