Monday, August 3, 2020

How to Succeed at Network Marketing

I will now share with you the secret behind how I was more successful at Herbalife than most distributors. Then I will show you what my next step should have been if I had decided to stay in that business. Finally I will reveal the finishing touch you need to really succeed in your business.

My Success

If you have a down line then you know how lazy they tend to be. You spend all this time on them in meetings and training, and all they do in return is take a % of profit from what few sales they sometimes make. You could have instead made more money by using that time and effort to make those sales yourself. Admit it: most of your "team" just isn't cut out for sales, and make much better customers than team members. But whoever did MLM without recruiting? I did!

I was able to get dozens of return customers every month precisely because I didn't recruit. Because I put my time and effort into finding customers instead of do-nothing trainees, people came to ME when they wanted Cellular Nutrition or Thermojetics. I had a half of a town to myself, and when people called me up and asked to join my down line, I told them "maybe after I am done establishing my business here, I will call you." I never got to the point where I thought I should give anyone my potential customers!

But if I had wanted to stay in the game, if my heart was really into fitness, then there are a few other things I should have done in addition to this...

The Next Step

Herbalife products were packaged to appeal to distributors like me, but not packaged to appeal to my return customers. For example the Cellular Nutrition protein shake which was supposed to be a 30 day supply only contained 20 servings! What I should have done next to build my fitness business was find superior quality and superior value from OUTSIDE of Herbalife. In my martial arts training soon after this I ended up using Twin Labs protein shakes because they were more affordable and effective than the Herbalife products.

Look at how much of your hard earned cash that your up line takes out of your sales profits. Just why do they deserve that money, did they do the hard work to make the sale? Hell no, that's YOUR money they are renting that Disney mansion and BMW with. 

Do you have any idea how much better you could do with buying products in bulk than purchasing products from your up line or MLM company? The difference is massive. All of that profit could be YOURS as long as you are willing to do the smart thing, the best thing for your business AND your customers, which is to prioritize value over brand loyalty!

Finishing Touch

If I had been serious about fitness, after focusing on direct sales myself (which I actually did,) and ditching my upline along with their bad business advice, creepy conventions and fake guru nonsense, the final thing I would have needed to do is MAKE MY OFFERING UNIQUE. In my case I should have probably offered one-on-one self-defense and fitness training along with the health products I was selling.

But in today's world you don't have to study three different martial arts for years on end to become a fitness trainer. The total cost of the training to become a legitimate certified personal trainer varies between $600 to $2,000. That is a lot less than what you are probably spending now as your up line and down line leech every penny they can from your bank account. 

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