Weaponized Tai Chi

“Weaponized Tai Chi” is a is a weapon-first fighting style influenced by Arnis. The intention is to deliver as much lasting value as possible in the first 100 lessons.

    Here’s what the following type of martial arts consumers will get from training in Weaponized Tai Chi:
  • A total beginner will learn what total beginners hope to learn in their first 100 lessons. (The person who started Weaponized Tai Chi trained in several different martial arts for one year or more each, and was never injured any of the several times he was physically attacked on the street while performing his job duties. Weaponized Tai Chi is designed to be what he wished he learned his first year of training in martial arts.)
  • Someone who is already a good fighter will learn some Tai Chi basics and how Tai Chi specifically relates to fighting.
  • Someone already proficient in Tai Chi forms but who wants to understand more about how to apply those forms for sparring or self defense would learn all about that in their first 100 lessons.
  • Someone who is already a Tai Chi master will learn how to produce more value to their beginning students than what Tai Chi currently has a reputation for doing.

The way each training session works, is first Warm Ups are done, and then the Next Goal is pursued for the rest of the training session.

Warm Ups

Standing Meditation is practiced for at least a few minutes at the beginning of each session, to make sure that the correct form is being practiced. Anyone practicing Weaponized Tai Chi must be doing 15 to 45 minutes of standing every day, on their own, outside of training. Here's an easy way to get into the standing mediation position:

Here's a more detailed explaination of standing meditation:

Dive-bombers, also called "Judo Push Ups" are a basic common upper body strength building exercise found in traditional martial arts. In schools were competitive Tai Chi is training a lot of emphasis is put on building upper body strength. Dive-bombers in our case give us a basic ergonomic strength building exercise:

Straight Arm Push Ups are a favorite exercize of physical therapists for improving posture. They are a more challenging body strength exericise when done immediately after Divebombers:

Straight Leg Kick Stretch is a good warm up stretch to improve over all flexibility and prevent injury:

Push Hands need to be trained every practice session. Three kinds need to be practiced: Single Hand sensitivity drill, Two Hands resistance blance drill, and Moving Step free sparring:

Here's a few more details needed to understand push hands practice:

First Goal: Knife & Stick

    Knife (2 lessons):
  1. record video with knife free sparring.
  2. Pushing/Pulling/side-stepping/stance
  3. Nonlethal attacks
  4. Point of knife attacks
  5. Edge of knife attacks
  6. record a video while sparring with only attacking hands and face
  7. Close Range attacks
  8. record After Video for knife sparring.
    Stick (3 lessons):
  1. Before Video for stick free sparring
  2. 15 strikes
  3. High Blocks
  4. High Blocks focused sparring video
  5. After Video for stick free sparring

Third Goal: Tai Chi saber

(35 lessons)

Before Video: Real Weight Weapon Sparring

Tai Chi walking

Front kick

Modified yang style 13 saber form slow

Focused Sparring: keeping one hand on the back of the blade at all times.

Same Saber form fast

After Video: Real Weight Weapon Sparring

Fourth Goal: Tai Chi Striking

    (40 lessons)
  1. Before Video: Push Hands With Strikes, light contact to the head
  2. Modified Yang Style 16 form slow
  3. Same 16 form fast
  4. Eye gouges
  5. Palm strikes
  6. Record Video: Eye Gouge & Palm Strike Focused Sparring
  7. Elbow strikes to body
  8. Shoulder strikes to body
  9. Record Video: Moving Step Push Hands with elbow strikes and shoulder strikes to body.
  10. Vertical Straight Punch
  11. Knee strikes
  12. Round Kick to leg
  13. Back kick
  14. Record Video: Light Free Sparring w/gloves, vertical punches and kicks
  15. After Video: Push Hands With Strikes, light contact to the head

Fifth Goal: Tai Chi Grappling

    (20 lessons)
  1. Before Video: Choker vs Escapee
  2. Single leg take down
  3. Sprawl
  4. Sleeper (standing RNC)
  5. Shoulder Throw
  6. Guillotine Escape
  7. Guillotine
  8. Focused Sparring: Tai Chi Wrestling with Chokes.
  • Escaping side control
  • Escaping Mount
  • Escaping Guard
  • Escaping back mount
  • Standing up
  • Focused sparring: Choker vs Escapee
  • After Video: Choker vs Escapee

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