Thursday, December 10, 2015


Warning: this is an overtly political blog post. If you are sensitive about these things, this is the end of this post for you, see you next time.

When I see my friend suffering from congestive heart failure in GA denied health care because his state successfully rejected some portion of Obamacare, it makes me mortified to be an American. I take some small comfort in knowing I don't actually have to migrate to Scandinavia to live in a civilized world, I can simply defect to Canada, only a few hundred miles north of where I live.

But there is hope for the USA, with Bernie Sanders being taken seriously as a political candidate, and Hilary Clinton showing much more political spine than her spouse. Even GOP Marco Rubio seems to be looking seriously at issues around poverty and taxation.

However if we really want to civilize the USA, we need to get rid of Texas. Keep in mind they never have valued their status as USA citizens above their status as Texans anyhow, and that the idea of them leaving the USA is actually very popular in Texas. Why make them stay? There are a lot of really important reasons why we would be better off without them:

  1. They elect dangerous anarchists like Ted Cruz who do things like shut down the federal government at every available opportunity.
  2. They have 38 electoral college votes which always swing to the far right, so that it is impossible for the GOP to win the white house without Texas.
  3. They are a socially backwards bad influence on and embarrassment to the rest of the country.
  4. They elect corrupt idiots who don't understand science and see no problem with letting the world burn from global warming, like Ted Cruz.
  5. Most importantly, while doing the very least they can to help their poor, they are the ultimate welfare state, sucking up much more national resources than they contribute.
It is time for the USA's strained love affair with Texas to end. Seriously Texas, don't let the door hit you in the ass on your way out: 

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