Friday, December 11, 2015

Trump Card

Warning: this is post about a political subject.

In his campaign for the 2016 presidential election, Donald Trump continually makes more and more outrageous claims, which he himself cannot possibly really believe such as:

  1. "Send back all the field workers back to Latin America." Obviously someone in Trump's position understands that our economy would come to a screeching halt, and people with lots money like him would lose out.
  2. "No Muslim immigration to the USA." Trump knows this is logistically impossible, since Muslim isn't an ethnicity but a religious preference. Trump offers a clue about his real motivations when he claims "I have lots of Muslim friends and I am helping them."
  3. "I want to turn off the internet to stop ISIS, I will talk to Bill Gates about getting it done." The average grade school kid in the USA could correct him on the problems with this statement, and obviously someone like Trump could not possibly believe that statement. Notice this is yet another logistic impossibility.
Let me say this slowly, listen carefully: CORPORATE LEADERS IN THE USA WANT UNIVERSAL HEALTH CARE BECAUSE THEY DO NOT WANT TO SHOULDER THE COSTS OF HEALTH CARE FOR THEIR EMPLOYEES. This is a position that organized labor has over time put them in, but it is still their position none the less. Obamacare makes the situation WORSE for these companies, forcing them to pay up more than ever before.

First, let's take what Trump himself has said on health care in a 1998 NBC interview
"...I am a liberal on health care, we have to take care of people that are sick... I like Universal health care, we have to take care, there is nothing else. What is the country all about if we are not going to take care of our sick?" 
Second, let's take the ultimate "evil corporation" by liberal standards, WalMart. In  2007 WalMart actually sided with the notoriously progressive SEIU in calling not for Obamacare, but full blown universal "socialist" health care, just like what Trump was praising in 1998.

Third, even GM Motors CEO Richard Wagoner testified on December 5th, 2008 before the House Financial Services Committee something along the lines of "universal health care coverage would help us against foreign competition where health care is provided by their governments instead of by our competitors."

If Donald Trump is elected, he will do everything he can to develop a "socialist" single-payer health care system. Consider what he has already suggested about health insurance companies controlling politics, and his plan to get rid of state borders in a healthcare insurance market place. The health insurance industry would be the first to bemoan this as the end of their existence - it's a stab in the back to the health insurance industry who Trump wants to see die, so that a "socialist" universal health care system will replace it.

However if he wins, it will be because of a groundswell of conservative voters showing up to the polls, which will get other conservative politicians elected, making the establishment of "socialist" universal health care far more difficult. IT IS MUCH MORE EFFECTIVE FOR HIM TO DISCOURAGE CONSERVATIVE VOTERS FROM VOTING IN THE FIRST PLACE. His comments mock conservative sentiments, exaggerating them to the point absurdity; HIS OUTLANDISH COMMENTS ARE DESIGNED TO MAKE CONSERVATIVE VOTERS TOO ASHAMED OF BEING CONSERVATIVE TO VOTE.

This is not the first time you have seen a millionaire do this. Consider Mitt Romney. In 2008 - an election where at the time it was painfully obviously that the number one issue was going to be the economy - where Romney would have easily trounced Obama in the general election because of his business experience - Romney dropped out only when he was sure that his last GOP rival, McCain, was too old-looking to be credible on solving a new financial crisis compared to the Democrat candidates. It is no coincidence that this act of sabotage led to Mitt Romney's health care system in Massachusetts - aka "Romneycare" - becoming spread from sea to shining sea as our nations new "Obamacare." Romey's lackluster performance as the 2012 GOP candidate - and his flaunting of his unpopular LDS faith in front of largely conservative Christian GOP voters - clearly intended to keep conservative voters home from the poles, just as Trump's outrageous comments are being used today.

As a radical left-wing progressive, I am a huge fan of Trump, like Romney before him. As a conservative voter, this should alarm you:

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