Monday, May 27, 2024

Secular Justification for Faith Selection

Faith is those beliefs you hold so strongly that they impact your decisions. When it comes to free will, what faith you chose is one of the most important factors in determining what decisions you will make. God insists on us having free will, and so he makes us chose our faith. But in so far as God will judge you for any decision you make, God will most certainly judge you for what faith you chose.

God knows you can not with 100% certainty determine if God is really there or not. Therefore God expects you to chose your faith for the best possible reasons, spiritual, historical, personal and secular. The secular and practical reasons for choosing a faith are some of the most important reasons for choosing a faith, because God knows you have 100% certainty about secular and practical reality you experience. God will judge you for your secular reasons to pick a faith.

A religion is an organized faith system and faith community. In order to do something well, we almost always require feedback from others. In order to exercise faith competently, it is clearly best to participate in a religion.

Your choosing a religion is key to God's evaluation of you, and your secular reasons for picking a religion are the most important reasons, because they are the most tangible reasons.

"I am in my religion because my family is in this religion and they are very serious about me staying in the religion" is actually a very good reason to be in a religion. "I picked this religion because I liked how the people acted who were part of this religion" is another good reason to be in a religion. "I picked this religion because their rules made sense to me for having a better life" is a particularly excellent reason to pick a religion, as is "I could see myself raising a happy family in this religion." 

God IS watching your decision and why you are making it. In fact the worst thing you can do is to just avoid choosing a religion, because life goes on without you having the benefit of having effectively pursued faith.

Avoid religions wear shunning is encouraged. In a worst case scenario this would be where family members are not allowed to speak to each other because of their status in a religion. This behavior is not socially sustainable, it is anti-family, it implies unhealthy power dynamics inside of the organization, and it suggests ulterior motives by the leaders of that religious organization. Religious shunning is not good and not of God.

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