Tuesday, February 28, 2023

Real Kung Fu vs Fake Garbage

Since I and a few others started Self Defense Evolution a few years ago, people from all over the world have been joining. The creator of "It's about gōng fū (功夫)" joined recently, an advanced Kung Fu practitioner from India:

One style he has been mastering is the "Cigar Shop" or "White Crane" style that is the foremost ancestor of Karate. Looking at his form, we can deduce that he does indeed have a very advanced "jing" or proper energy & breathing you would expect to seen in an advanced practitioner of Kung Fu:

Where as Kung Fu in the USA was influenced by various trends such as Kumite Point Fighting and kickboxing, what we see in India is a more traditional practice. He has offered valuable insight into traditional Kung Fu free sparring: it is full contact, and while what techniques and targets are used might vary, it is much closer to a fight than the light contact sparring we see in modern Muay Thai, MMA. and my own unarmed sparring practice:

This above video with very light or no contact to the head but blasting away spastic hard to other targets on the body gives us a better idea of where Knock Down Karate rules (originating in Goju Ryu before Kyokushin) came from. It also gives us insight into western bare knuckle boxing having a higher emphasis on strikes to the body, as well as "traditional" sparring practices in Choy Li Fut with nearly identical rules. Without boxing gloves and other safety equipment, this is the type of sparring practice that allows you to not die from having an infection caused by a human tooth laceration on your hand, before western medicine figured out how to cure such infections within the last 100 years.

But as bad as Martial Arts has fallen in the past in the USA, he argues that martial arts in India is in a far worst state than anything in the USA's past. He has made a very interesting point about categorizing the types of fake masters out there:

"...there are three types of fake masters as I categorize them...
  1. First are those who are doing it for money... just a money making scheme. But if they are doing it to feed their family, I cannot judge that... but these fake masters are the easiest to expose... that's why I say they are the least harmful ones.
  2. The second category of fake masters... wants the RESPECT that people give to a teacher. Once he teaches one or two people he always wants more. These people are difficult to point out... they are the most dangerous I would say...
  3. The third type are the most harmful to the martial arts world... he who used to be a student of a fake master. HE WAS a legit student... it was his bad luck or lack of intelligence that he did not research much on his teacher... 30 years ago they did not have the internet to help them do their research... so they have been practicing a set of fake skills for 20 to 30 years... and you can not tell them that their life long effort was wasted... they will create more fake pupils who believe that fake skill is real. They are not dangerous, they are not lying, but they are the most harmful species of fake masters." Feb 19, 2023, 10:24 PM (Seattle time.)
Looking at this problem through his lens, it explains some of the aberrant behavior we have seen in my area with our most notorious martial art instructor.

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