Saturday, May 2, 2020

Small Government Creates Small Economy

This is an "I told you so" post on my theory that socialism and capitalism are two sides of the same coin, and that a reduction of socialism results in a reduction of capitalism . But here I also am warning there are other huge parts of our economy that are disastrously under regulated, and they are also going to cause major problems in the future. In 2015, renowned Capitalist/Captain of Industry Bill Gates gave the following prophecy of doom predicting our current COVID-19 pandemic:

Also in 2015 President Obama set up The Office of International Health and Biodefense specifically to deal with pandemics.  In 2016 Trump was elected on a wave of anti-government Tea Party sentiment, and true to his supporters President Trump left many cabinet positions understaffed, underfunded, and in many cases totally unfilled. This led to the gutting of The Office of International Health and Biodefense, which President Trump specifically state was to save money on government spending:

To be clear, the World Health Organization started asking countries to take drastic action in February. New Zealand was able to take the sort of swift action we would have taken if our Office of International Health and Biodefense had been in tact, and this is opening their economy much faster than what we will be able to do in the USA. But we had no one even assigned to our Office of International Health and Biodefense when that WHO conversation happened, so we were caught totally flat footed. As a result, the COVID-19 virus was able to spread for weeks if not months longer, causing magnitudes more damage to our economy.

The formula is simple: Small Government = Small Economy.

There are 3 main types of pyramid schemes: Ponzi Schemes, Classic Pyramid Schemes, and Multi-Level Marketing (MLM). What makes MLM companies different from Ponzi and Pyramid Schemes is a concentrated effort to make the scheme appear "Legal." However when MLMs are brought to court, their business structure NEVER holds up to serious legal scrutiny!

To give you an idea of how pervasive MLM is in our economy, in 2017 MLM did $35,000,000,000 in sales. Holywood had a very good year in 2017 and made $43,000,000,000. That means a segment of our economy comparable to the media industry, IS A HUGE SCAM SUCKING MONEY OUT OF THE ECONOMY INTO THE HANDS OF SCAM ARTISTS/CRIMINALS. In MLM, the customer buys a business, and in return gets completely ripped off. Over 99% of people who join MLMs lose money! This takes would be entrepreneurs and financially ruins them, it's the most financially devastating thing to the potential of our economy I can imagine. MLM shouldn't be allowed at all, and the full economic damage can't really be understood until we end the practice and see what that $35,000,000,000 recycled back into our economy year after year actually does for us.

The problem is that MLM has corrupted our government:
  1. The Podesta Group is a lobbying powerhouse serving the Democrats. In an ultimate conflict of interests, they also serve notorious MLM Herbalife. This influenced the Clintons, but has even recently influenced other Democrat presidential candidates.
  2. President Trump is something of a pyramid Pharaoh himself promoting both ACN and the "Trump Network."
  3. Trump has Betsy Devos in his cabinet, who is the wife of the Pharoah of the most famous MLM of all AMWAY!
  4. He has Steve Mnuchin in his cabinet, who made 3 million dollars in Madoff's famous pyramid scheme.
  5. The big sports stadium in Orlando Florida is actually called "The Amway Center." It would be less criminal to name a sports stadium in Chicago "The Al Copone Center."
  6. Many other lesser known politicians such as Orin Hatch have been completely purchased by the MLM criminal industry.
  7. The entire Bush political dynasty has been heavily influenced by Amway and continues to associate with them:

Like our small government approach to COVID-19, our small government regulation of MLM isn't going to end well for us. Pyramid Schemes, like other government corruption, has leveled nation states before:

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