Thursday, November 10, 2016


With wide spread protests of the Trump presidency throughout the USA, it is easy to think that protesters are not respecting the institutions of our democracy. But consider the following:
  1. Clinton got over 350,000 more votes than Trump, while Trump got over 50 more electoral college votes than Clinton by the time the election was decided. If this was another country, you would think the electoral college was there for the express purpose of suppressing the will of people.
  2. The FBI clearly tried to influence the election with opportune timed announcements, making a big deal out of e-mails that never materialized into charges. 
  3. The FBI seemed to collude with Russia, as Russia hacked DNC computers and took other various steps to leak information. Meanwhile the FBI was silent about the Russia's criminal influence.
  4. Though Harry Reid threatened the FBI with the Hatch Act, so far no action has been taken against the FBI.
  5. Sanders was expected to take such conservative states as Utah in a massive landslide victory, when the nomination was stolen from him by Hillary's supporters in the DNC.
Does that sound like a legit election to you? Should Gore have conceded the election in light of the evidence we have now of the election fraud from the Florida voting machines?

Should millennials stand by and watch the votes of people in their 70's voting for other people in their 70's destroy the natural environment of the world that the millennials still have to spend the rest of their lives in? Would that be the responsible thing to do? 

No way.

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