Monday, November 14, 2016


There is only one person in this entire world who is responsible for the Democrats loosing 2016, and that is Hillary Clinton. This is true for three reasons:
  1. She and her cronies plotted to get Trump to be the GOP nominee so she wouldn't have to face more electable candidates like Marco Rubio.
  2. She and her cronies stole the nomination from Sanders, even when his electability numbers were far superior to hers.
  3. She insisted on replacing Sander's best idea (Medicare for All) with her already failed idea (public option. See 4 below.)
I was very uneasy about this election for several reasons:
  1. 1 - 2 above.
  2. Trump utterly dominated the media, it was all about him, all the time.
  3. With what was perhaps the absolute apex of hubris, Hillary's campaign was "happy to let him have the attention of the media."
  4. Hillary insisted on propping up Obamacare instead of going for Bearnie's "Medicare For All." Obamacare kept getting more expensive for individuals and businesses, while allowing the main culprits - the health care insurance companies - do as they please.
  5. Hillary perpetuated culture war with her "deplorables" comment. That kind of elitism belongs in the GOP, not with progressives.
  6. Hillary's high-price-tag hawkishness. Should my taxes really go to killing Arabic speaking children with American bombs?
  7. And what really terrified me about her, kept me up at night, is that she basically represented no significant diversion from Obama's domestic policy - no actual change in a country starved for change.
Now Obama and Hillary are saying progressives should give Trump a chance? The same m*********** who is gutting the Environmental Protection Agency - are they so out of touch that they have some other place in mind besides Earth for humanity to live? After 8 years of obstructionism - we couldn't even get a supreme court justice appointed in over twice as long as it took to appoint the last one - now we should just stand by and watch Trump do what now exactly?

We are supposed to give Trump a chance, like the chumps who fell for Trump University and Trump Network? We are supposed to stand by while Russia and our own FBI are not held accountable for interfering with this election? We are supposed to capitulate in the face of a massive popular vote win in spite of a massive electoral college loss? THAT is what is best for DEMOCRACY?

It is time to clean house in the DNC (WARNING: foul language follows that is tamer than what I use in private on this same topic):

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