Wednesday, April 8, 2020

St. Sanders

Having to choose between Biden and Trump is 100% Sanders fault, and the biggest political tragedy of our generation:

 In 2020 my top picks were:
  1. Andrew Yang (universal basic income, business know-how.)
  2. Tulsi Gabbard (universal health care, combat-veteran experience)
  3. Kamala Harris (some measure of both universal income and health care, experience changing the criminal justice system from within as a prosecutor.)
  4. Elizabeth Warren (some of all of the above.)
We had so many awesome candidates. Even some of the more conservative ones had great ideas like Klobochar's universal mail in ballot. But then Bernie Sanders couldn't get in and support a new generation of leadership, instead he had to jump in the race again after:
  1. He already lost the primary in 2016. Even though his policies are incredibly popular with the general public, his socialist branding was already a proven failure with the electorate.
  2. He was completely off on his federal jobs program, which is real actual factual commie-style anti-American socialism, when instead he could have easily adopted Andrew Yang's basic income. Out of pure ideology, Sanders chose the wrong side of history.
  3. At some point Sanders threatened to veto the Public Option if it came across his desk. If it hadn't been for Jimmy Carter shooting down a GOP health care proposal in the 1970's, we would have had the Public Option back in the days of Nixon! We don't need lefties shooting down progress for ideological reasons, and this move was every bit as dumb as Biden continuing to insist he would veto Medicare For All.
  4. He then proceeded to not drop out after having a heart attack.
  5. He then proceeded to not drop out after a #MeToo issue with his staff.
  6. He then proceeded to not drop out after a very credible accusation from Warren that Sanders was running because he believed the USA was not ready for a women president.
And Sanders was the Camel's head in the tent. Once old-white-man Sanders decided to get into the race, this opened the door to other old-white-men like Biden and Bloomberg, who are basically 1970's republicans, and yeah they HAVE been around that long. Imagine instead if Sanders had gotten behind his biggest fan, Tulsi Gabbard, or his close ally Elizabeth Warren. Today we would be talking about Biden finally folding instead of Sanders. 

The following song goes out to two rival groups of people:
  1. You who think I should vote for Biden because he isn't Trump.
  2. You who supported this Sanders joy ride which has ran the 2020 Democratic primary right off of a cliff.
"... I think you might have made a mistake":

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