Saturday, February 3, 2018

Shapiro 2020

What Ben Shapiro wants to do is strip the influence of the White House down to its bare constitutional bones. This will force congress to legislate where they haven't legislated before, and the implications of Shapiro's view is that the White House has been co-dependently supporting a dysfunctional congress for generations. He would give congress tough love by scaling back the executive branch and forcing them to do their jobs.

Obviously this means Shapiro is states-rights on steroids, with rabies, from hell. He is perfectly willing to cut off that West Coast money from fly-over states until those states are abandoned ghost towns... until their uneducated, inbred, mutated decedents are too illiterate to even figure out what a voting booth is. I have two relevant views in regards to this:
  1. The electoral college is source of all the world's problems
  2. I am anti-state government
Shapiro's ideas about the executive branch is the conservative way of dealing with the electoral college problem. The president is not supposed to be  God-Emperor, it should not matter THAT MUCH who is or is not president! He's the commander and chief, but how often is military strategic ability considered in presidential elections? He's the head of state, but international diplomacy barely came up at all in 2016. If we can't get rid of the electoral college, burn down the white house, problem solved: Shapiro 2020. He'll loose against Oprah, completely sabotage Trump's reelection, probably carry Arizona, Utah, and Idaho, and for the first time in my life we'll have a real 3rd party to choose from in the USA. 

"State" and "Nation" are synonyms. In the USA we struggle with many levels of government: City, County, State, and Federal. I am here to tell you that the CAN ONLY be TWO levels of government, and that THEREFORE there ARE ONLY TWO levels of government. Those levels of government are Municipal and State. Municipal is whatever you and your neighbors are paying taxes to locally, to support laws that help shape your local community. State is what keeps the municipalities in check, stands up for human rights, prevents environmental and social catastrophes, protect us from foreign invasions, etc.

We don't have room for both federal and state government, even in the English language these two things are redundant. For example federal enforcement of cannabis laws in states where cannabis has been legalized is laughable. Some token scare-tactic efforts have been made, but in states where its legalized people smoke away whenever they feel like, typically with stuff bought at shop that openly sells it. IF the Federal government is to survive, it will have to crush the individual state governments, starting with the Electoral College, and I pray they succeed. However, I don't find that likely.

The last time our federal government did something significant was in World War 2. Almost all of our international diplomacy since has been one catastrophe after another. I suggest this is a lack of federal leadership - because federal leadership is itself largely imaginary. This means our "great nation" has ALREADY disintegrated. There's very little need for us to be contributing taxes to military spending, nuclear arsenals, etc. Progress may look like this: States Rights leads to Utopian progressive States, and the conservative backwater fly-over states get the deregulated hell-holes they have always wanted, until no one wants to live there any more, or the subhumans left behind are completely irrelevant. Problem solved.

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