It's Saturday Night and Biden and Harris have given their inspired and touching victory speeches. This is what the The Church's website has looked like through the election from the morning of November 3rd until tonight of November 7th, 2020:
You can see the title of the main article. It clearly references "this time of anxiety and racism," obviously referring to their contempt for Trump. But it goes beyond this, the Sunday morning after that speech featured there was given, the The Chruch's president, someone we regard as a living prophet, echoed those sentiments (starting at 11:00) :
So how is it so many LDS voted for Trump? Not everyone did, Romney didn't, I sure didn't. But obviously many did, as Utah was quickly called for Trump this election.
It is no coincidence that Utah is associated with so many Multi-Level Marketing schemes and so consistently votes GOP. Since George H. W. Bush, no Republican has been elected into office for a first term by the popular vote. The electoral college, a group of government appointees, has overturned the will of the people in a sad example of socialism trumping democracy, in the case of both the W and the Trump, who both proved to be horrible villains indeed once they got into the oval office (with the W using lies to get us into protracted wars in the middle east and Trump intentionally stoking racial divides in the USA.)
LDS conservatives are incredibly comfortable with theft, doing little or nothing about the Multi-Level Marketing schemes emanating from Utah and wreaking economic havoc all over the world. The only GOP politician that raised concerns about Trump's incredibly extensive involvement in Multi-Level Marketing schemes was Mitt Romney, but obviously most of the voters in Utah ignored him, just as they ignored their leaders four years later in this election. That's why they have no problem with the GOP using any excuse at all to be opportunistic: be it stealing the vote from the popular majority through socialist loopholes in the constitution, or be it stealing the appointment of a supreme court justice, stealing is 100% fine as long as they can get away with it.
The Book of Mormon warns against this type of behavior. One of the ongoing plots in the book is an organized crime sabotaging, subverting, waging war against and eventually toppling the Utopian government described in the book that rules "by the voice of the people." Eventually that wicked and corrupt society faces the wrath of Angry Jesus, who destroys most of their cities, and then goes on to explain to everyone just exactly why each city he stomped had it coming. One city had it coming the most, in 3rd Nephi Chapter 9 verse 9 it reads:
9 And behold, that great city Jacobugath, which was inhabited by the people of king Jacob, have I caused to be burned with fire because of their sins and their wickedness, which was above all the wickedness of the whole earth, because of their secret murders and combinations; for it was they that did destroy the peace of my people and the government of the land; therefore I did cause them to be burned, to destroy them from before my face, that the blood of the prophets and the saints should not come up unto me any more against them.
According to that verse toppling democracy is pretty much the very worst way to piss off Jesus there is. You want to know God's worst pet peeve? I present to you: GOP behavior, with Trump doing everything he could to stop votes from being counted in 2020, from screwing with the post office to dumping tons of misinformation out in his tweet tantrums. The problem is that this idea of stealing elections is just how the GOP does things. They know they don't have the will of the people behind them and they want to run things anyways in an obvious affront to God himself: