We have before us two sets of problems, one cultural and one economic:
- The war of the sexes is now becoming unsustainable. The LGBT community is caught in the middle of it with political games being played about weather or not they should be allowed to raise children. The two extremes are Men Going Their Own Way, who in a nut shell feel that it is time women should simply be replaced in Men's lives by robots, and 3rd Wave Feminism, who declare masculinity as a vice or evil, and joke around about the male population being reduced by 90% (since conflict is supposedly bad and testosterone supposedly causes conflict.) Policies attacking so called "dead beat dads" when men have a minuscule fraction of birth control options compared to women and absolutely no ability to reproduce without a female cooperation are an example of this problem. Men not getting motivated to find a spouse until his (and her's) genes are so old that they are at increased risk for autism and other birth defects are another example of this problem. And this war of the sexes is escalating rapidly, with no end in sight.
- Our world and country's populations have become too big for everyone to be playing real-life Monopoly for keeps. If you think that the "free market" is going to solve the staggering environmental, combat, terrorism, starvation, slavery and other safety challenges our world faces today then you are naive. Ultimately now we have to choose between democracy and capitalism, because the world has become too small for both of them. Choosing capitalism is choosing an end to that world, choosing democracy is to choose for us to keep moving on as a species into the future. Allowing Obamacare to leave so many uninsured while blaming this failed policy on employers is one example of this problem. A higher education system that leaves its students it is supposed to be helping heavily in debt with few job prospects is another example of this problem. Meritocracy itself has failed us.
A vote for Hitlary is a vote to address the cultural problems. A vote for Sanders is a vote to deal with the economic problems. Obviously intelligent educated people with internet access understand that humanity's survival is at stake, and are militantly supporting Sanders. We can not stomach the idea of voting for someone like Hitlary who wants to go backwards from what Obama has accomplished, and who is so closely associated with a man who massively failed the progressive movement in the USA.
However should Hitlary still get the nomination, I may still vote for her, and maybe so should you, and here's why:
- In 2008 I supported Hitlary over Obama because her individual-mandate was left of what Obama was suggesting he wanted as a universal health care system. Even though Obama got elected, it was Hitlary's health care system with the individual mandate that prevailed. Obama has suggested Hitlary is playing a smarter political game than Sanders, and can't just brag about how "socialist" she is to taunt the right. Name any given policy that Sanders supports that Hitlary doesn't, and it might be just as likely to culminate with Hitlary as it would with Sanders. Take her lackadaisical attitude towards health care - we can all smell that she intends to let the right take it apart while she blames it all on them. I suspect her plan is to do that with incremental "compromises" that expand medicaid and medicare, so that by the time the GOP is done with their repeal and replace victory we'll have the medicare for all that Sanders (and apparently Trump) are so exited about.
- A young father recently asked me "what is the big deal about Justice Scalia, why all the celebration over his death?" I replied to him "almost every crappy thing in our lives can be traced back to this one man." Only partially kidding, I have since realized how literally true that statement was. A supreme court vacancy is no joke. Sure I would be a lot happier with Sanders choosing the supreme court replacement over Hitlary, but am I going to say that her pick would be as bad as what Cruz or Trump would come up with? No way. This is a very irresponsible time to vote 3rd party.
- We are in a far more advanced place now when talking about ethnic prejudices than we were before Obama was elected. "Black Lives Matter?" Not if Hillary got the nomination in 2008. This culture war between male and female has to end, too much resources are being diverted to this cause that shouldn't be. We need to move the conversation very far past Men Going Their Own Way and 3rd Wave Feminism. The only way I see us getting out of this left-on-left infighting over genetics and sexuality is appeasing the majority of the aggressors by electing a female president: