B. F. Galbraith's Knols of Knowledge
Monday, December 23, 2024
Dancing Past Midlife Crisis
Saturday, November 30, 2024
In 2000, George W. Bush (the W,) the worst President of the United States of America (POTUS) of all time, became POTUS under shady circumstances. He proceeded to get the USA into wars that had massive popular disapproval and questionable legality.
Thursday, October 31, 2024
Joseph Smith: Innocent
The founder of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (The Church,) Joseph Smith, was in no way a polygamist. There are two things that must be considered:
- The actual evidence that exists and what that evidence suggests, and
- the narrative that emerges from that evidence powerfully defends Joseph Smith and The Church. It raises questions for Brigham Young, but Brigham Young has always been a problem for The Church and we've been eschewing his influence on our religion since the day he died.
Saturday, September 7, 2024
Good Posture
By "good posture" I mean the practice of while you are standing or moving, keeping your spine in a straight line (usually perpendicular to the ground):
- Crown of your head stretches for the sky, with a chin tuck as a side effect.
- Slightly tuck the lower ribs.
- Keep your hips slightly tilted forward so that your hips are under your shoulders.
- Shoulders rolled back instead of rolled forward (thumbs facing forward, elbows back.)
Monday, August 26, 2024
Weaponized Tai Chi
When I was studying MMA in 2018 at Kitsap Combat Sports, I was surprised to discover that light contact continuous sparring had returned to the USA as the preferred form of sparring for training fighters. This picture is a screen shot from their website, the person who's back is facing the camera is me, and the guy with the beard is an amazing instructor:
- Every training session or lesson starts with the core Tai Chi exercises, including some minimal posture & strength training, stretching, standing meditation and push hands (including the single hand sensitivity drill, the two hand resistance balance drill, and the moving step free sparring.)
- I strongly believe that real fights involve weapons. The only way they don't is if YOU are unprepared. I start with the Knife Badge from Tres Espadas, as it teaches evasive movement and a real way to handle multiple attackers if necessary. The knife can easily be substituted with pepper spray which is legally encouraged in my state.
- Mostly because of popular demand, I then include some Arnis basics for stick fighting.
- Once the student understands the basics of knife and stick free sparring, then they are ready to get into real-weight fighting weapons, such as Nihozashi Padded Katanas. This more closely resembles the weight and heft of most improvised weapons, and the Yang style Saber Form (which I have modified mostly to include the same moves practiced on both the left and right sides,) is the perfect way to show how to swing heavier weapon around with precision, power and defense in mind. So yes, the way _I_ teach Tai Chi is the way Kung Fu would have been taught originally to ancient soldiers, Saber (or Spear) first (spear being the less practical option in today's world. The following picture is not me, but it is a picture of the Katana-like Yang style Tai Chi Saber.)
- Once the student has mastered the long journey (40 or so training sessions) of learning the Tai Chi saber, they are ready for adding controlled contact sparring with punches, kicks and other techniques from an unarmed Tai Chi form. (I use a modified version of the Yang Style 16 movement form, replacing moves I don't like (stork spreads it's wings) with moves I do like (golden rooster, high kick) and again rearranging the form to make sure the same moves are practiced on both sides of the body.)
- Once I am satisfied that the student is prepared to fight with and without weapons, then we explore grappling deeper. Head grabs, chokes and leg grabs are added to the moving step free sparring to form Tai Chi Wrestling. Also an attacker versus defender focused sparring is practiced, where both partners start on the ground in side control; the one on bottom is trying to escape to their feet and the one on top trying to get in a guillotine or RNC, and when one wins, they trade roles and continue.
As for the longer Tai Chi forms or famous Tai Chi straight sword, I don't bother, this curriculum is intentionally brief. It's all limited to 100 lessons. After that 100 lessons, if they want they can keep training with me on the same curriculum, if they want a wider variety of weapon sparring they can participate more fully in Tres Espadas, if they want to learn more about knife and stick there is plenty of Filipino Martial Arts in the area, if they want to perfect their striking they can study Muay Thai at a few different gyms in this area, if they want a wider variety of martial arts knowledge there's plenty of Traditional Martial Arts around here, if they want to work on their grappling I would send them directly to Kitsap Combat Sports for MMA, and if they want to get more serious about Tai Chi there are a few legitimate Tai Chi masters within a few hours of here that I can refer them to. Weaponized Tai Chi is only intended to be for beginners or to augment someone's training if they are not a beginner, it's not meant to be a comprehensive martial art for the life long martial artist, nor is it a catalogue of all the knowledge I have regarding self defense or martial arts.
Monday, July 1, 2024
Mormon Dope
- Level of intoxication from the substance, how much judgement is impaired by using it.
- How serious the withdrawals are from the substance.
- How addictive the substance is.
- Long term health consequences.
"...to the ...weakest of all ...who ...can be called saints... thus saith the Lord unto you: In consequence of evils and designs which do and will exist in the hearts of conspiring men in the last days, I have warned you, and forewarn you... That inasmuch as any man drinketh wine or strong drink among you, behold it is not good, neither meet in the sight of your Father..."
Saturday, June 22, 2024
I Told You So
People talk like martial arts has arrived, and that we have good solutions for teaching every day people with an every day lifestyle effective fighting skills that they can reliably use to protect themselves, and that we can do this without injuring them worse than they would be if they were mugged on the street. But we don't, martial arts has a long ways to go before we have any such training developed.
There are 4 Olympic Sports, 2 striking (Taekwondo and Boxing,) 2 grappling (Judo and Wrestling.) 1 striking and 1 grappling have Gi (martial arts uniforms, Tae Kwon Do and Judo) and there is a striking and grappling art that do not have Gi (boxing and wrestling.) Of these 4 arts, Judo (Gi grappling) is the most injurious and Wrestling (no-Gi grappling) is the least injurious: https://combatsportslaw.com/2020/11/23/study-judo-has-highest-injury-rate-among-olympic-combat-sports/
I have been concerned for a while now that the more over-specialized a martial art gets, the more disconnected it gets from applicable self defense technique, and the more there is a risk of repetitive stress injury. My personal experience is that grappling in a Gi is far more injurious than grappling in regular exercise clothes, and that fits well with the Judo rate of injury vs Wrestling rate of injury listed above. I have been particularly concerned about Brazillian Jiu-Jitsu becoming both more dangerous and less applicable to self defense the more disconnected it gets from MMA.
I told you so in 2023 in regards to my own experiences and observations, in regards to Icy Mike seeing huge mobility problems from long term practice of BJJ, and based on Joe of Fight Bible getting his neck broken in BJJ practice. One study found that 2 out of 3 BJJ practitioners are injured in their first 3 years of training: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8721390/
Now BJJ advocate Rokas has gotten a taste of how much BJJ improves your ability to defend yourself: